HAPPY Summer!

Dreaming and Laughing Dragonflies

Living my best life in Charleston, SC, and blogging again after a twelve-year hiatus.


Inquisitive Dragonfly

Photo credit: Elsie Wheeler

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Laughing Dragonflies

Discover the joy of everyday holy encounters, silly observations and other real-life amusing’s.

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What is this

This website is about Dreaming and Laughing dragonflies, a 50-year-old menopausal woman living her best life in Charleston, SC.

How can I contact the author?

You can contact the author by filling out the contact form on the website.

What are the author’s favorite colors?

The author’s favorite colors are aqua blue, orange, yellow, and pink.

Where is the author located?

The author is located in Charleston, SC.

What is the target audience for this blog?

The target audience for this website is middle-aged women who are interested in amusing stories and observations of everyday life. And of course my Family and Friends ; )

How can I get in touch with the author?

You can get in touch with the author by filling out the contact form on the website.

We are here to help! If you have any questions or need assistance, please

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